Take control of your Salesforce Data

Bluefactory provides enterprise-grade solution for backuping, restoring and archiving your Salesforce data.

Bluefactory backup dashboard
Bluefactory restore form
Bluefactory archive
Bluefactory change tracker
Bluefactory static code analysis

Simple & Secure Salesforce Backup

Simple and secure daily backup to protect your Salesforce data against loss.

We backup all your salesforce data: Objects, Files, Attachments and Metadata

You can choose your backup location. We offer multiple locations.

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Restore Salesforce data

Bluefactory provides smart restore options to recover your Salesforce data quickly.

We operate as a standalone service, so you can access your backups even when Salesforce is down.

Our restore features allow granular restore, support bulk operations and parent-child relationships.

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Archive Salesforce data

Reduce Salesforce storage costs, remove performance issues, and comply with internal policies and industry regulations.

Avoid purchasing more space or adding Salesforce user licences.

Maintain compliance with industry and internal rules regulations.

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Track Salesforce metadata changes

Keep a complete history of metadata changes. Avoid overwrite changes between developers.

Track every metadata changes with our readable human-friendly report.

Compare the configuration and code between 2 sandboxes.

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Less bugs, more happy users

Track code quality progress over time with a relevant metrics.

Get automated code review for test coverage, complexity, duplication, style, and more.

Track you Apex unit tests results.

Build high quality application that respects code best practices.

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Bluefactory is perfect for Salesforce Developers, Administrators & Project Managers.

bluefactory dashboard

For developers

Bluefactory replaces manual and time-consuming tasks by automation.

For business

Bluefactory reduces your time-to-market and brings more value to your end users.

Keeping your data secure is our priority.

Data Encryption

Bluefactory backups are encrypted by default. All data transmissions with third-party APIs (e.g. Salesforce) occur over a 256-bit encrypted channel (TLS). Your Salesforce data are encrypted at rest and stored in our secure Amazon S3 or in your own cloud storage (Amazon AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Blob, Google Storage, ... ) All your backups are encrypted using a randomly generated AES-256 bit key unique to each user.


Bluefactory builds on Amazon Web services Platform’s compliance with leading standards for privacy and information security, including recurring re-examination by independent auditors. You can read more about Amazon Web Service Security: https://aws.amazon.com/security/


We use secure protocols (SSH and HTTPS) for all access points. All access to the Bluefactory website is restricted to HTTPS encrypted connections.

Authentication & Passwords

Bluefactory never collects or stores your salesforce passwords. The authentication is done via OAuth2. All authenticated user interaction (login, service configuration, settings changes, accessing archived data) occurs over a 256-bit encrypted channel (SSL).

Internal employee policies

None of our team members can clone or see your code or your data in its entirety. For debugging purposes, we use the platform to see dashboard and issues breakdown, but never your code or your data. You feeling safe about your code is of crucial importance to us.